
Happy Birthday Clam

The boy turns 8 today. Hard to believe that eight years ago yesterday I was in New Brunswick at work while Jen was shovelling snow (anything to get that baby out) and felt uncomfortable. Next thing you know I get the call "Nothing to worry about....".
I booted it for home and when I came over the marsh I passed a truck with STORK1 license plates and took that as a good sign. It was my fastest trip ever home from Moncton. I got to the hospital in work clothes. Cathy and Tel were there. They told me to go home and get changed (our house was just around the corner). I got another call "they just broke Jen's water". Cripes, back to the hospital. Things were moving quickly now and just after midnight he arrived. After losing our first baby I was scared as hell. Is he okay? Ten fingers, ten toes? He was perfect. The best Christmas present ever!
I drove home from the hospital like an old man, it took two tries to get over speedbumps etc. He spent his first day home Christmas Eve screaming his head off for 24 hrs straight. I learned to tie Christmas trees that year as ours fell over and very nearly hit him. After that life became about firsts...
He's been for the most part (I'm being honest so piss off) a joy. Smart and sensitive like his Mom, quickwitted and social like me, as well as the smallest little old man I know. Being involved in his activities I see that he's a good kid. We are blessed to have two great goobers.
The picture above is from Cape Breton a few years ago in the midst of a marshmallow roast and it's one of my favorites. He just made a crack about "this is a sticky situation". You never know what'll come out of him next.
Life continues to be about first experiences. This year I took him to the first race at Riverside. I told him it was important and convinced Jen it was historic. While he ate his weight in snacks his eyes were as big as saucers. His first overnight "roadtrip" with the boys. Fortunately, he didn't stay up playing crib and drinking rum till 4AM. Seeing his school project (Black Bear) hanging on the wall at the camp in Ernville freaked him out a bit. He still talks about having salt & vinegar chips for breakfast (he ate ALL of the food at the track) I can hardly wait until he can go on other adventures like NASCAR trips and Fishing Trips etc. Till then we'll take a day at a time.
Mood of the moment ~ Avoiding housework
Tune of the Moment ~ Tiny Dancer- Elton John
What's for supper ~ Birthday feast


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