It's like crack but for smart people!

I mentioned earlier that friends had introduced us to a new game that's a version of Rummy played with tiles. Last weekend we played it much too late in the evening but had a blast doing so. It's addictive, very addictive. I didn't win last weekend and I could be described sometimes as competitive. So I googled it and voila!
Try it, you'll like it. I'm sure this is how a crack dealer would get you.
We played last night again and I won 3 out of 4 games. But I'm not competitive....
Honestly I'd just as soon spend most nights hanging with friends playing games like this. It's good for the brain.
The princess is off to her first "girl who's not a friend or relative of ours" birthday party. Apparently it's going to be quite the affair. The invite mentions dancing, cotton candy, pizza, and treat bags. They had me at cotton candy. That leaves me with the clam. Driving home from school on Friday he mentioned a hockey game that was to be on last night. Interesting for him to bring that up. He said "Oh yeah it's gonna be a good one", hmm I thought and responded "What about football on Sunday?" I explained how it's down to the last four teams and the winners go to the SuperBowl. "Sounds like a good eating day" he boasted rubbing his hands. The boy knows his Dad pretty well huh?
Mood of the moment ~ In the midst of laundry hell
Tune of the Moment ~ Plugged into playing it loud and playing it proud from Eskasoni (If you want variety try it out, it can't be beat great ads too!)
What's for supper ~ Football feel good food
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