2007 Fourchu Invitational SMELTFEST

Another year, another SMELTFEST. This year brought the worst weather to date. We drove down in a blizzard, had 90 km/h winds and enjoyed two days of sideways snow. Sounds awful I know! On the other hand we enjoyed fellowship, song and fine foods. We met some new friends "Two Mitts" MacNeil, "Mr Boston" and the legendary Hunter O'Banyon, who is more a man than I'll ever be. There was story time in the morning with a Harlequin classic with interesting subtitles for newly re-drunkingly impaired, poker games, crib games, a bit of fishing, a new appreciation for duck and 1000's of laughs. I could go on but you wouldn't understand sometimes it's better to be a fly on the wall.
Mood of the moment ~ Time for lunch and a walk
Tune of the Moment ~ A house with no floor ~ Oger Mac
What's for supper ~ Pizza
Tune of the Moment ~ A house with no floor ~ Oger Mac
What's for supper ~ Pizza
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