
Hot Damn Hot!!!

Cripes it’s hot. I’m in Jacksonville today and it’s 95. I love the heat when I’m in trunks or chilling out but with work clothes on I’m a mess. Some folks sweat, I mist. Jacksonville officially ends my roadshow tour. What was supposed to be a two month event wound up being six months. I’ve logged some serious miles. Twenty three states and I lost track of how many presentations after I hit sixty. I wish I did all of the Florida shows in February not mid June. Oh well. Looking back I was in some pretty cool spots and did some neat stuff. I probably hit some spots I’ll never get back to but I’ve learned to never say never. I just hope I’m not back in Allentown anytime soon. That was probably the spookiest spot that I hit while Arizona was probably the coolest. I’d like to get back there and spend some time maybe vacation there or something. I kinda like Florida too but it’s a wee bit touristy and I still don’t know if I’d relax on vacation. Speaking of which I’m only a few weeks out from a break. We’ve got two family reunions on Jen’s side this year. I missed the boy's first class trip yesterday and I miss grading day next week. It ain’t easy missing this stuff. LIfe on the road. Great it’s snack time with Continental what have we today? A turd sized sandwich of sorts, corn chips and M&Ms super more calories. I’m hitting the gym tomorrow for sure. Speaking of the gym did I mention that I met Don King this week? I was waiting for my flight in Newark when I look over at who sat beside me and it was him. The American flag, the unlit cigar, 400 lb goon the whole deal. He was waiting for his stretch golf cart to shuttle him around and he plunked down beside me.Wondering about the hair? I think the humidity got to it as it wasn’t standing straight up. Anyway we’re talking for a sec when he gets recognized and kind of swarmed. He had no pen to sign stuff so I gave him mine. Well it clears out and he signs my passport for me. I had nothing else anyway the cart pulls up and he splits with my pen. What are you gonna do? Oh well Fathers Day weekend starts tomorrow and I’m taking the boy and pop to the Monster Truck show. We went last year and they had a blast. Other than that it’s time to turn the pool blue.and relax. Y’all come back now ya hear?


Grey Cup Visits SureShot ~ Halifax 05 Posted by Hello


It's Race Day Weekend

So the time had come for some racing. This year's crack team consisted of Pretty Boy Bowes, The Cuban Assasin, Farmer Forbes and Your Truly. We converged on Philly Thursday night. Caught the Phillies-Giants game 8 rows up from first courtesy of a scalper for less than face value. Rolled out to Jersey where we were staying and left in the rain Friday morning for Dover (rhymes with hungover which I painfully was) when we got there it was wet and everything rain related was cleaned out at WalMart so we spent the time wandering around Dover. At lunch we saw some Busch drivers and at Best Buy the Cuban spied Elliott Sadler driver of the M&Ms car and Jamie McMurray so we had to have an impromptu photo opp (pic to follow) After that we rolled back out to Jersey stopping to shop at some fine discount liquor stores. $13.99 tax free gets you 30 beer. It's cheaper than soda. Saturday was met with more cloud and a trip back to the track. The 45 minute ride Friday was now double that and parking in the mud. Off to the Busch hospitality tent where $39 got us brekkie, lunch and all you can drink Busch with a goody bag. I think I was well ahead by 11:30. There were some simulators there, a pit expo and a truck that had beer coming out of it. Time for the Busch race great seats great race and then time to split back out Jersey. On our way home the Cuban needed to stop at his second most favorite place Hooters. I swear the food there is shite and the scenery wasn't much better. Good thing I'm not bitter. Saturday night led us to a dirt track for crazy local racing. Lowlight of the night and weekend for that matter was the last race of the night when a guy wrecked and had to cut out of the car and choppered to a hospital. Not good, back to the room by 11:30 and time to crash. Long freakin' day and I think I'm getting older. Sunday, race day and we were gone to the track for the 45 minute drive that's now 3 hours each way with traffic. We got some tshirts in the parking lot that apparently were later seized by the FBI. I thought it was a REALLY good deal. 150,000 folks there to watch everything great first 41 laps till Jeff got punted by Tony. Then it was not so good. Anyway we drug our butts back to the hotel and crashed again. Good weekend. Off to Boston and home Tuesday.


Race Day Dover 05 Posted by Hello


First You Work in the Pits Posted by Hello


Robbie Mac, Elliott Sadler & The Cuban Posted by Hello

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