
When I get where I'm going...

Spring is here. Not too bad of a winter all things considered. The kids spent the weekend in the hub town. Nice break for us. My hard drive died so I've been PC less. Not good. Thanks to my buddy Mike for fixing me up. All this after his stag party last week. No red wine for a bit is a safe assumption. Any way should get some work done around here.

Mood of the moment ~Do it yourselfin'
Tune of the Moment ~ Weezer - Moment in the Sun
What's for supper ~ Gotta go to Sobeys....


Tony's Back

Remember how I mentioned that the kids had gotten the stomach flu? Guess who got it when we got to Moncton Saturday? Yep. I hate being sick to my stomach and will fight it till the ends of the Earth. We got checked into the Hotel Saturday and went for a swim. I got the chills, they were multiplying. I was losing control. Sorry bad GREASE reference. I apologize for that I am better than that. Anyway, I thought a nap would beat it. Nope. So we went to supper, as soon as I walked in the restaurant I thought I was going to blow chow. I took a cab back to the hotel and two gravol. Good night. Visions, sweats and shakes. Great night but no pukie pukie.

Woke up yesterday and felt as though I have been beat with a stick. Went to Crystal Palace and had fun with the little people. Liam had me on the giant swing a few too many times. When we were leaving Jen asked "How does this flu start". Complete cycle of MacCormick's.

Anyway I got everyone tucked in last night and it was time for the return of the Sopranos. Oh my GOD. Wicked. David Chase always leaves you guessing. Time to come up with activities for the week and find out about job interviews. It's really time to get back to work...

Mood of the moment ~Busy
Tune of the Moment ~ Glad Tidings - Van Morrison
What's for supper ~ Pork Tenderloin & Spinach Salad


March Break, Spring Cleaning & New Tour

Well spring is just around the corner. We're going to take a quick trip to Moncton with the little people. Should be fun. Last time we were there we took them to Crystal Palace and Liam was pissed because he wasn't tall enough to go on the good rides. Now it's Emma's turn. I'm sure half of NS will be there. Look for me grinning and bearing it. I spent this AM cleaning windows. The house is coming together. Time to get back to work. I've got a couple of interviews next week. Cross your fingers.

If it all falls thru my music career is taking off. I started guitar lessons a while back and I now know a bunch of intros not whole songs but intros. Should take the deckstravaganza to another level. I plan to tour the Yarmouth region in the spring with some dates in the Musquodobit Valley to follow. Look for my holiday DVD with my Kenny Rogers medley at the Walmart in time for the holidays.

Mood of the moment ~Freakin' Tired
Tune of the Moment ~ Heart of Gold - Neil Young & Me
What's for supper ~ Chicken Fajitas and Nachos maybe a little drink of rum


Midgets, Strippers & McD's All In A Nights Work

Thursday night I went to see Motley Crue. I know, I know, but I still love rock n roll. In the early 80s these guys lead the way with hair metal. Didn't know what to expect but when we went to the Alehouse and saw folks our age and older in Motley gear I figured it was going to be interesting. I described the show as a spectacle. The stage is done up like a big top circus and a midget and some dancers come out next thing you know BOOM it's on. Lots to keep you occupied, I think there was some lip syncing going on but as the beers were going down as fast as the songs who cares. I believe there were 8000 happy customers and any time I'm in a skybox I'm generally very happy. I don't know if a trip to McD's and another bar was necessary but done nevertheless leading into a long Friday.

Did you see Paul McCartney, his wife and Danny Williams on Larry King last night? Good scrap but if I was Paul I'd leave her and her yap on the ice to get a better look at the seals OY!

Meanwhile we've come to find out this AM that there's a new member of the family. Welcome Mason Bishop! Another immaculate conception for Tel & Jeff.

Back to painting...

Mood of the moment ~House Painting How Happy Can You Be?
Tune of the Moment ~ Dear Mr Fantasy- Big Sugar
What's for supper ~ Steak Taters and Fixins

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