
Daydream Believer

Right now in Cuba my Mom's sitting on a beach, hopefully with a tropical drink melting in her hand. She hasn't been to Cuba in close to 20 years. Her last trip had toilets with no seats and food that was not quite up to snuff. When I picked her and Dad up at the airport (VERY hic-happy to be home) we went straight to the Big Stop as they were starving. Over the years I've enjoyed some terrific vacations and have come home "starving". When we came home from our honeymoon we had a fastfood buffet, a greatest hits if you will from various places.

I'm starving for the sun now. Not so much the grub. Well, it is lunch time though...

Mood of the moment ~ Getting ready to paint again!
Tune of the moment ~ Desperado ~ The Eagles
What's for supper ~ Stew that's good for you
Trip veteran and lover of the good life (last minute deals) ~ visitor of the Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Mexico.


Rob's Pick for OSCAR Night

"No one gives it to you, you have to take it!"

Hey kids, it's OSCAR night. I love movies, the home theatre in MANLAND is a pretty busy place. While it's been noted that I like certain chick flicks I love mob movies. My favorite movie is GOODFELLAS followed by The UNTOUCHABLES. I've watched them both enough that I can follow word for word. I watched THE DEPARTED last weekend and it was amazing. Really it was incredible I'm not sure what did it for me? Whether it was the story, the cast or the fact that it was shot in Boston and I sorta lived there for a bit. Jack was wicked in it and his quote above is something I've taken to heart. TAKE IT!

We had a pretty quiet weekend here. Had a fondue last night with some sort of stone grill as well. Had enough food for eight which suited four of us just fine. Funny to watch as one by one people give in after stuffing themself. Sadly I was the last one eating. Slow but steady wins the race. Learn from the turtle...


Mood of the moment ~ Race is on, Gordon's up front I guess I'm happy

Tune of the moment ~ This is our country ~ John Mellencamp

What was for supper ~ (high end leftovers) Chicken Breast, Striploin, Tuna Steak, Veggies


She came on down and they came on out...

I was listening to my buddy Jay doing his radio show this morning from Toronto and he was interviewing a TV hero of mine Bob Barker. The Price is Right makes me roar, always has. I would kick ass on there! Bob is timeless. Jay asked him what his favorite memory was from the show and Bob quickly replied it was the time with the lady with the tube top. Who ran on down and "they" came on out. Usually this doesn't happen with the hot supermodel types sadly. Anyway you can get the interview here... http://www.999mixfm.com/shows/maddogandbilliemornings

Last week I told him he had a sweet gig when he had Keith Urban there for Valentines Day but to have Bob Barker come on down....

BTW to those concerned about my post from yesterday I am okay REALLY I AM!

Mood of the moment ~ Plenty to do
Tune of the moment ~ Vertigo ~ U2
What's for supper ~ Chicken and Mashed Taters


I am a Pig made of Metal (According to the Internet)

I've been taking online tests for personality and job stuff. Interesting stuff here folks. Some are like looking in a mirror. Others not so much. Today's lesson was where I fit in Chinese Astrology. Have I mentioned I need to go back to work?

Funny how my BAR-B-Q ways are now a little closer to home...
Pig man
His physical background
The Pig male is chiefly recognizable by his eternally boyish air - an air of freshness, innocence, and immaturity. Age does not seem to have much incidence on this specific aspect of his physique. His frailty and oversensitivity are only too apparent and characteristic.
It is extremely rare to find a brawny type in this sign. As a rule the average subject possesses slack muscles and a well-padded body; prone to overweight, he presents a bulging stomach as early as the beginning of his middle age (SOMEONE TIPPED THEM OFF) - unless he takes appropriate preventive measures well in advance. In addition to this, his long chest, short limbs, and pale complexion all contribute to liken him to some lovable clown. (NO PIRATE?)
The charm of this individual's round and jovial face is almost irresistible. So is his shy, ever-ready grin. He has big, naive eyes, which are always wide open like those of a young child filled with wonder at something he is seeing. Those are also distinctively dreamy eyes which cast their glance beyond actual forms. His mouth is large and bordered with thick, greedy lips; his nose is short, usually retrousssé - the nose of a pig, indeed!
This man is basically not as sickly a person as he believes himself to be or would like to appear; his physical resilience far surpasses the limits he proclaims. There lies his principal health trouble - his hypochondria - which springs from his visceral fear of suffering and death. In all sincerity and subconsciousness he makes up for himself all sorts of illnesses which, under the impact of his unbridled imagination, may in the long run produce actual symptoms. (LIES LIES LIES ALL LIES)
He takes a thinly veiled pleasure in describing all the much dreaded disorders he thinks he suffers from (DOES IT HURT WHEN YOU PEE?). Extremely emotional and impressionable, he does not need much to be convinced that he is a victim of some incurable malady. He should be forbidden to read medical books of any kind! (NOT THE NET THOUGH)
When actually ill he is apt to show regressive tendencies: He then feels justified in behaving like a spoiled child, overindulging in sleep, food, drink, and resorting to sentimental blackmail. (THAT HURTS IT REALLY DOES, DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHAT I DID FOR YOU?) He may have himself treated by three different physicians at the same time, telephoning them incessantly to inform them of every real or imaginary development. He may also adroitly seeks to maneuver people around him into sympathizing with and taking care of him.
The weakest point in his body, which needs the utmost attention, is his fragile stomach. (LOVE THE BUDDHA) He knows it, but often lacks the necessary will to do something sensible about it. Too fond of eating, he relentlessly imposes an intolerable workload on this organ (DONAIR AS BIG AS MY HEAD COMES TO MIND). As a consequence stomach ulcers constitute his most frequent affection. On the other hand, he is liable to aerophagy and a host of digestive disorders, which may have a nervous origin or be provoked by parasites. His chronic insomnia is likely to stem from his deep-rooted fear of death. (I'VE LONG THOUGHT THAT I WILL DIE YOUNG)
Since his worst enemy is his hypochondria, the Pig male will find his vital interest in doing away with it by all means; psychiatric help may prove necessary, and he should not hesitate to solicit it. He must refrain from all excesses, notably in the fields of food and sex. (SHIT) He also needs to learn some degree of detachment and casualness, for his natural way to feel about things is so deep and visceral that it constantly subjects his entire nervous system to unbearable stresses and strains. (DADDY KNOWS ABOUT STRESS THAT'S FOR SURE)
Diet plays an indisputably predominant role in this man's physiological equilibrium. Alimentary moderation should be an integral part of his way of life since he is too prone to turn to eating as a compensation for all his frustrations, disappointments, and fears. He must strive to curb his exaggerated love of sweet things and gaseous beverages, which are exceedingly harmful in his case. Dairy products in general and yogurt in particular are good for him; so are fish and shellfish, fresh fruits, and green vegetables (NO SHIT SHERLOCK!).
All aquatic sports suit him quite well. These may include swimming, sailing, surfing, water-skiing, rowing, underwater fishing (WHAT ELSE IS THERE?), or skin diving. But he had better refrain from making too strenuous muscular efforts because of his rather delicate constitution. (LEARN FROM THE TURTLE SLOW BUT STEADY WINS THE RACE)
His psychological makeup
There could hardly be a more lovable creature (I LOVE YOU TOO MOM) in the entire Chinese duodecimal zodiac than the Pig male. This subject possesses almost every valuable trait of human nature - he is kind, friendly, generous, tender, affectionate, honest, patient, modest, conscientious, and loyal. Should his species disappear from the surface of the earth, one might wonder how harsh and bleak the life of mankind would become! (YOU'VE PROBABLY WONDERED WHAT LIFE WOULD BE LIKE WITHOUT ME ~ NOT RHETORICAL!)
This is a most charming individual, full of poetry and delicacy. He pleases effortlessly. Everyone can feel quite at ease in his company. (CAN I GET YOU A DRINK?) His presence is apt to inspire confidence in the most mistrustful or difficult people and incline them toward opening up their hearts. He certainly owes his gift for intimacy to his childlike naturalness, spontaneity, and innocence - to his eternal freshness of soul which insures him against any form of moral aging or sclerosis. (SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE LAST TWO MEAN THAT'S OKAY)
His meekness is legendary. Practically never aggressive and always overly apologetic, he does not insist on being the first or the best. (NEVER PLAYED A GAME AGAINST ME OBVIOUSLY) To him, taking a back seat is as natural as drinking water. It is unlikely he will ever learn the value of firmness. His inability to do harm or avenge himself comes very much to the fore of his personality. (ALWAYS THE VICTIM) On the other hand, he is often baffled and even mystified by the insensitiveness and wickedness of others (MANY NIGHTS I DO CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP). Naive in the extreme, he persists in believing that people do good for good, despite every proof to the contrary. (WHY ARE SOME OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS IN SALES?)
Of all natives known to Chinese astrologers the Pig man is the one who possesses the most fertile imagination; even his Goat and Snake counterparts can hardly equal him on this score. But while this sublime faculty of his acts undoubtedly as a precious asset, it can also prove a liability under certain circumstances, and he does not always know how to make the most of it. (COULD PROBABLY HAVE HAD A SMALL COUNTRY IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC BY NOW)
Emotional this man certainly is - and to the supreme degree. His reactions are eminently subjective and irrational. It appears practically impossible for him to remain sufficiently aloof and detached, to stand back from events. Cool-headedness and objectivity, therefore, constitute the qualities which he must constantly strive to acquire. (OFTEN LOOKED AS THE VOICE OF REASON VERY LATE AT NIGHT BY THOSE WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER)
With his curious mind and multi-faceted intelligence, he takes an interest in a wide variety of things.(HOLY CRAP) But he is reluctant to delve deeply into any subject, preferring to let his heart do the rest of the work, for he can as swiftly as surely sense the truth of everything. It is most often an advantage to him to rely on his sixth sense - or his third eye - rather than on his reasoning. (SPIDER SENSES CAN SERVE YOU VERY WELL GRASSHOPPER!)
Modesty should be counted as the first of his moral qualities (I KNOW). He consistently chooses to remain low-keyed in manner although he is perfectly aware that in this way his worth may not be appreciated as quickly or fully as that of a more aggressive guy. (NICE GUYS OFTEN FINISH LAST)A pacifist at heart, he hates quarreling and arguments: Indifferent to the question of face or self-assertion, he would prefer appearing stupid to winning a dispute (EASY NOW, DIDN'T YOU READ I'M SENSITIVE). He does not even take offense at being an object of jokes or teasing - though he does lack the ability to laugh at himself. (WHAT'S SO FUNNY?)
This man has no ambition whatsoever to change or rock the world or to stand out from the herd (I THINK I GOT THE WRONG ORDER HERE NO CHOW MEIN!). Fame and honor leave him rather indifferent, all the more since these appear to him as almost inevitably linked with cheats and machinations (ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT MY FRIENDS AGAIN?). Competition he abhors as he does bubonic plague. (SORRY CHARLIE I'M PRETTY COMPETITIVE)
He has no metaphysical concerns either. What seems important to him is merely to enjoy living - a quiet life, a few good friends, financial security, and Epicurean delights are all prized by him; he hardly asks for more than that (JUST A SQUIRREL TRYING TO GET A NUT). He takes life as it presents itself to him, and accepts things as they are instead of expecting them to be as they should. To him, everything is so simple, as he himself is simplicity personified.
This is a man who is not ashamed of feelings as the Pig sign inclines all its subjects toward being sentimental (SUMMER OF 94 TOOT TOOT). With his heart in the right place at all time, he never takes a casual stance concerning human relationships. (YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU RIGHT?)Everyone can always trust him to be tender, kind, considerate, chivalrous, and deeply affectionate. (WANT A HUG?)If he enjoys the company of children and pets more than anyone else does, it is clearly because he never loses his pristine capacity to be good. His profound compassion, sympathy, generosity, and obligingness generally know of no limits; unfortunately, they may sometimes expose him to exploitation by others. (AHA MOM WAS RIGHT)
Friendship represents something really sacred in his eyes. But in spite of his open-heartedness, he does not make many friends as his Monkey counterpart does - he prefers quality to quantity, for he earnestly means his friendship to last a lifetime (THAT'S PRETTY DAMN NICE). There could be no better friend than this individual - he is loyal, dependable, attentive, and willing to help as anyone could wish (SOMEONE GET THIS GUY A DRINK OR A JOB). Those who have found their way to his intimacy may rightfully consider themselves fortunate (I TOLD YOU).
The Pig male will ever remain an open book to everyone as his candor is absolute. (NO HOLDS BARRED BABY) There exists not even the dimmest shade of hypocrisy or pretense in his character. He detests lies, half-truths, and treachery with every fiber of his soul (HEAVY). Even those who hate him for one reason or another could not doubt his truthfulness and honesty. One may only regret that his utter transparency, coupled with his unbelievable credulity, makes him an easy prey to unscrupulous people (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!). Impartiality and fair play being considered by him as indispensable components of integrity, he always does his best to uphold them, sometimes to the detriment of his own interests (VICTIM AGAIN!).
Under a facade of timidity and superficiality, there lurks a man with incredible tenacity of purpose. It is customary to compare him to a crab which, once it has seized something, would rather lose a claw than let go. But however admirable they may actually be, his perseverance and patience, like all his other qualities, are quite discreet and unobtrusive, for he always shies away from publicity (I DID NOT WRITE THAT OBVIOUSLY!).
He shows himself most conscientious and scrupulous in whatever he has to do, whether he likes the task or not. People rarely suspect this apparently futile dilettante, this seemingly nonchalant sensualist can in fact prove an extremely hard worker (I KNOW VICTIM YET AGAIN). It is his manner of going about his business that misleads - he always takes his time, not allowing himself to hurry or fuss. (APPARENTLY THEY HAVE NEVER TRAVELLED WITH ME)
The average Pig male's negative character traits are virtually negligible in comparison with his positive ones. Almost all of them concern the emotional side of this individual.
His hypersensitivity makes him feel too deeply whatever impression he receives. This, as already indicated, is apt to render it impossible for him to extricate himself from his emotionalism and to see things in their proper perspective. (I'M TORN HERE) His esthesia is such that it borders on oversusceptibility - no matter how careful one is, one can never be quite sure not to hurt him in a way or another (THIS PIG'S PRETTY TENDER). But his vulnerability is carefully hidden, with the result that many people may inadvertently make him suffer pains which could have been avoided should he be less tight-lipped (ALL TOO PAINFUL!).
No matter how difficult his problems may be, he is generally too shy to ask for outside help - or too kind-hearted to importune someone else with his own concerns (DON'T WANT TO BOTHER A SOUL). He will try to keep himself afloat to the best of his ability. Perhaps it is not exactly self-reliance here, but rather a kind of stoicism. With age he will probably work out a philosophy of his own, which may be more or less utopian. (ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS!)
Keen on making merry, especially in the company of his trusted cronies (PRETTY MUCH AN OPEN BOOK HERE), the Pig male appears to have a fundamentally care-free, light-hearted comportment. In actuality he is burdened (DEEPLY) with a heavily melancholic nature which induces him ineluctably to look at the sadder side of life (WOE IS ME TIGGER!).
With his frequent spells of moodiness (HUH?), deep depressions, and his chiefly sentimental memory (GUILTY), he gives every indication of being a nostalgic poet (I HAVE WRITTEN SOME DANDY'S, EVER HEARD THE ONE ABOUT THE GIRL FROM NANTUCKET?). He is distinctively romantic about the past and remains forever attached to his own family, particularly to his mother whom he idealizes in every possible way (CAREFUL NOW, IF I DON'T GET YOU, REST ASSURED, LOIS CAN AND LIKELY WILL GET YOU WAIT & SEE!).
He has an unmistakable predilection for daydreaming (I'M GETTING MORE FREAKED OUT AS THIS GOES ON), often taking his desires for realities, thereby exposing himself repeatedly to deceptions. This usually truthful man may sometimes surprise with his "lies," (INNOCENT I TELL YOU REMEMBER SENSELESS VICTIM?) but it should be acknowledged that those so-called lies are what he actually perceives through the lens of his profound subjectivity and bear no trace of malice whatsoever (I WONDER IF THIS HOLD UP IN COURT?).
Every Pig man, regardless of his age, material success, or social position, more or less consciously wishes he could have remained a boy (LOTS OF WOULDA, COULDA, SHOULDAS HAD I GONE TO SCHOOL I'D BE A WRITER AND YOU'D BE PAYING FOR THIS). Growing up always proves a difficult process for him, and in some cases it is even doubtful if he ever reaches the stage of full maturity. This male will therefore tend to behave as a big baby, unless he makes vigorous and sustained efforts to grow up emotionally (PRETTY TOUGH NUT ACTUALLY CONSIDERING I'VE SEEN SOME PRETTY HARD MILES FOR MY AGE).
Extremely fearful of danger and suffering, of the future and the unknown, he likes people to know what a defenseless and pathetic individual he is (DID YOU NOT SEE THE VICTIM REFERNCES LEADING UP TO THIS?). He does not hesitate to resort to all sorts of gimmicks, including masochism, self-pity, and sentimental blackmail, in order to secure sympathy and protection. Should it prove impossible to get them, then the temptation to regress into childhood becomes irresistible (NOTE TO SELF CALL MOM & DAD TONIGHT).
The Pig man always doubts his capacity to fend for himself, to defend even his own interests and reputation. He is too passive (SIGH), too faint-hearted to be willing to stand up and fight when necessary (GROAN). No challenge of life holds much fascination for him (DEAR GOD AM I GOING TO GET THRU THIS?). His basic philosophy consists of taking the line of least resistance and resigning himself to suffer in silence. In this way he is quite vulnerable to alcoholism and drugs as a consolation for his frustrations and cowardice (THERE'S THE PIRATE RIGHT ON TIME AS ALWAYS AND I THINK HE BROUGHT THE TENESSEE TITAN TOO!).
As a general rule this man can be notoriously extravagant (SEEN THE SHIRTS?). The more anxious and fearful he feels, the more money he spends (REKNOWNED TIGHTASS). Material comfort, which however encourages the passive side to his nature, seems to him indispensable as it effectively counterbalances his disappointments. To tell the truth, he does not value money for its own sake, but only as an indispensable means to an inexorable end (DEEP). Nevertheless, he can never bring himself to worry about his financial future (BULLSHIT). Fortunately, he is quite often lucky with money and can win in games of chance with surprising frequency (COME ON 6/49 or SUPER 7), or enjoy unsuspected, substantial inheritances (IS THERE SOMETHING I SHOULD KNOW HERE?). A financially overextended Pig would be a rarity indeed! What predisposes the typical native to such an enviable situation remains unknown, but popular belief in Asia has since time immemorial associated the Pig sign with the idea of plenty and prosperity (CALGONE TAKE ME AWAY). But although great wealth may be his much more frequently than is the case with the average person, he will ever keep a low figure, preferring informality and simplicity to luxury (LET ME UNDERSTAND THIS I'M SUPPOSED TO BE RICH?).
His productive capacities
It would be a grave error to doubt the Pig male's aptitude for work (ATTN FUTURE EMPLOYERS). Despite his apparent easygoingness and lack of motivation, his efficiency can be quite satisfactory and even astonishing . Good luck, on the other hand, seems to favor him much more than it does others (DADDY NEEDS A NEW GIG).
This man can do well in any walk of life where conscientiousness and tenacity of purpose are the prime conditions of success. Even feverish activity may be a magnet to him if it offers him a real opportunity to satisfy the more sentimental aspirations of his soul. But he had better steer clear from all sectors of endeavor where other people's bad faith and duplicity can cause great harm, for he is notably gullible and defenseless (YIKES AND I'M IN SALES).
No other native in the entire Chinese duodecimal zodiac is expected to be as good with money as this man. The Pig male has a marvelous knack for turning dreams into reality where finances are concerned (NASCAR ADVENTURE TOUR BOOK?). Success befalls him quite naturally and often beyond his own expectations. No wonder why he can prove a first-rate stockbroker, foreign exchange dealer, banker, or financial speculator (SHIT). And when it comes to games of chance, his good luck defies all laws of probability.
Thanks to his basic sensitivity as well as his extraordinary sense of symbolism, shape, and color, this individual takes a keen interest in whatever concerns images and imagery (ARTSY FARTSY SIDE IS HERE). A great number of Pig natives understandably distinguish themselves in such fields as photography, movie pictures, or paintings; their productions generally bear a distinctively naive or surrealistic mark. The Pig male can also be a writer endowed with a forceful style or unequalled story-telling power (BINGO! ENTERTAINER AND MAN OF THE PEOPLE). As a poet he is capable of touching the most profound chords of the human heart (GIRL FROM NANTUCKET OR CHRISTMAS IN CAPE BRETON ANYONE?).
Having an exquisite sense of comfort and domestic life (GOOD COOK, ENTERTAINER OR LIGHTWEIGHT RENOVATOR) , many Pig subjects largely earn their livings and find ample satisfactions as decorators, fashion designers, or fitters of every conceivable practical gadget (HMM!). Bad taste has absolutely no room in whatever they propose.
The typical Pig man makes an excellent public relations officer (WELCOME TO WALMART). He is able to seduce and manipulate a public as effortlessly and efficiently as one could possibly wish (BUT YET NO MENTION OF POLITICS YET). He would have no problem making a living by selling life insurance (HAHA WHERE WAS THIS A FEW WEEKS BACK?).
We should not forget that this sign is more Yin than Yang and that Pig males are more "feminine" than "masculine." (SHUT UP! IT'S OKAY TO CRY ONCE IN A WHILE!) For this reason all traditionally "feminine" professions can suit the Pig man well (I'M IN TOUCH). His reputation as an intuitive educator can easily be established (I'VE TAUGHT A FEW THINGS). He is particularly competent in the medical field - as a pediatrician or obstetrician, for instance. Social work also appeals to him as he perceives other people's problems and sympathizes with them quite naturally (CAN'T SEE DR. ROB BUT I'M SURE PHIL's MOM DIDN'T EITHER).
Despite all his indisputable assets, this individual must constantly beware a serious liability - his overdone tendency to force his chance, to leave his prey for its shadow, to spend the money he has not yet definitely pocketed (WHOOPS!). Mirage poses as a real threat in his professional life: While his repetitious gambles may lead him to complete successes, they may also inflict him utter failures (I'M SEEING THE SKIJUMPER ON WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS IN MY MIND). He is therefore well advised to use some dose of circumspection at all times.
His love behavior
Just like his Snake and Goat counterparts, the Pig male definitely has a feminine soul (YEP). His appeal to women is enormous (HOW YOU DOIN'?) since he perfectly understands them, foresees their reactions, and perceives their desires (WHATEVER ROMEO!). He has no reason to fear loneliness; on the contrary, it is not rare he finds himself caught up in an inextricable cobweb of his own making. In general this man proves a rather slow starter in romance, not because his heart is not hungry but because he is afraid to suffer (OH THE TANGLED WEB). Love at first sight seizes him only when the woman he meets corresponds to the image of his revered mother (JEN/LOIS? WTF???). He is also very vulnerable to love when going through one of his black depressions. As previously indicated, every Pig man feels strongly attached to his mother (WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT?). But his Oedipus complex is rarely so neurotic as to induce him to homosexuality (NOT THAT SENSITIVE BUBBA, NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT). The average native of the sign is sensuous enough to seek and enjoy normal relationships with women of every description. However, he has an unmistakable preference for the clinging-vine type of females, for it enables him to play glamorous with them as a compensation for his frustrations on other fronts (IT'S ALL GLAMOR HERE LOL!!!). Nothing would please him more than being treated by his woman as king of their castle (I SEE DANGER IN MY FUTURE!).
The Pig man takes love most seriously. One of the reasons for this is that in romantic relationships he is very vulnerable: He becomes emotionally involved with incredible ease and can never strictly content himself with a purely physical approach. His heart is so tender and fragile that it can get broken under the slightest shock (WHEN YOU THINK ME YOU GOTTA BE THINKING TENDER RIGHT?). And when disappointed in love he is likely to suffer with resignation and drown his sorrows in alcohol (POSSIBLE FLASHBACK SEQUENCE HERE).
In the prime of his youth, he may flutter around a little, just out of curiosity (MOTHER IN LAW WAS TOLD I GOT AROUND WHEN I FIRST MET JEN!). But he will soon seek to settle down for good with the woman of his heart (THAT SOUNDS NICE!). He belongs to the variety of faithful lovers, which is rather surprising in view of his extreme sensuality (LOOK AWAY MA). Even if he is wronged he can hardly ever resolve to take the first step toward a rupture.
This man has an enormous capacity for love. The woman who has conquered his heart may consider herself fortunate (I KNOW!). To the partner who appreciates him, he is most tender, kind, and affectionate (MUCH OF THE TIME). Love means to him a complete fusion of two bodies and two souls; it is why he utterly resents suspicion, jealousy, and competition (HEHE).
It is not rare he falls in love with love, for this can provide him a wide range of emotions which his insatiable soul yearns for. Nevertheless he also knows how to be satisfied with more prosaic reality (THERE'S A HALLMARK MOMENT FOR YOU!).
His love needs constant expression (I SOUND NEEDY). Probably no one is a better expert in sentimental manifestations and romantic jokes than this individual (CHICK FLICKS?). His exact antithesis on this score, as we can guess, is the Buffalo man (IS HE MY ARCH NEMESIS?).
Unfortunately there exists one detestable aspect to the Pig male 's love behavior. Like a spoiled child he tends with persistence to be oversusceptible and sulky (DIDN'T SEE THIS ONE COMING AT ALL). It apparently pleases him to indulge in masochistic practices, unbearable attempts at sentimental blackmail, and extravagant scenes. The best way for a partner to cope with such idiosyncrasies would be to ignore them completely (HAS WORKED SO FAR!).
The Pig male is always ready to oblige. There could be no more expert and indefatigable lover (LOOK AWAY AGAIN LOIS) than this subject. Thanks to his profuse erotic capacity (CRIKEY), his embraces can set ice afire - they can stir the passions of the most lukewarm partner. But his approach to sex is far from being raw or earthy: There always exists an affectionate and considerate quality in it. He is more gratified by giving pleasure in bed than by receiving it, and this can create a physical intimacy of rare exquisiteness. Moreover, his sexual expression is generally free from all forms of perversion (NICE SAVE!).
Contrary to the Horse man, who resents letting love tie him down in any way, the native of the Pig closely associates love with domestic life (I CAME FULLY DOMESTICATED). Once pledged to a woman, he turns out to be an enthusiastic and conscientious homemaker. He may even cook many dishes himself. He sees no reason why he should refuse to let his wife wear the trousers (MIGHT HAVE MISSED ONE HERE). He may from time to time dream of travels to faraway countries (ALL THE TIME) but sincerely prefers to spend his evenings smoking his pipe beside his fireplace (NO PIPE AND THE FIREPLACE DOESN'T WORK HERE).
Most Pig males achieve their full psychological maturity not in love but in fatherhood (DON'T MESS WITH MY KIDS!). It is because they are marvelously endowed with "maternal" instinct. They love having children, considering them as a heavenly blessing (I AM BLESSED!). They are the kind of fathers to romp with their little ones, to understand them perfectly, and to share their dreams. Sometimes, however, one may detect a light touch of incestuousness in their comportments (I'M GOING TO HAVE TO LOOK THAT LAST ONE UP I'M AFRAID...) .
Well well well, apparently that's the old kid in a nutshell.
Do yourself a favor and check yours.
Feedback on this would be interesting I'm sure...
Mood of the moment ~ Time to pick up the boy
Tune of the Moment ~ Fire and rain ~ James Taylor
What's for supper ~ Pancakes and sausage it's shrove Tuesday afterall


And so it begins...

This weekend was the official kickoff to the 2007 NASCAR season. Even if you aren't a fan you couldn't avoid the coverage this week. Scandal abound. From Thursday at noon I was in race mode. The duels, truck race, busch race and finally the Daytona 500. GOD love Jen for realizing that I have a serious sickness and allowing me to hide downstairs in manland much of the weekend. It's as much a lifestyle as it is a sport. Very similar to what I go thru as a RED SOX fan. I guess there are many things that I could be into much worse than watching cars go round in circles...

The off season is brief but painful. I'd love to figure a way to incorporate NASCAR in a work type situation. Not here in NS maybe in NC absolutely. Do you think many people would read a book chronicling a man's adventure visiting every track with info and recipes from each? Hmm, or maybe a guy who started an adventure tour company going to the races or other events?

We'll see. I definitely think I can do a book. Now though, I 've got to get an alternator for the shitwagon. FORD ~ fix or repair daily.


Mood of the moment ~ Off to Hubbards

Tune of the Moment ~ 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
What's for supper ~ Spaghetti & Salad


Happy Hallmark Day!

I hate Hallmark cards and much of what they represent. Wait...there's more. Shouldn't you be able to tell someone how they really feel about them? Greedy old me I'd rather you kick another few bucks into my gift. That's not chick flick Robbie Mac is it? Don't get me wrong I've gotten some very nice cards that have meant a lot but....Valentine's is just a blatant cash grab "holiday". Sorry that's me. On the other hand "Happy Valentine's Day" to those I love and adore.

I just finished a fantastic book I got for Christmas that U2 (my favorite band) wrote. Great book. I learned a ton about a band I thought I knew pretty everything about. My favorite part was when the band really hit the mainstream during the Joshua Tree tour. Someone put a death threat out that if they sang "Pride" Bono would be shot. "Pride" is all about Martin Luther King and the lyric builds to...

"Early morning, April 4

Shot rings out in the Memphis sky

Free at last, they took your life

They could not take your pride"

Bono simply closed his eyes stage center and sang his heart out not knowing if it would happen or not. When he finished he opened his eyes and Adam Clayton the bass player was standing directly in front of him to take that bullet if it happened. That's friendship, that's love, that's what it's all about. Great book.

One of the other loves in my life, the Boston Red Sox, had a book written about them by Stephen King and Stewart O'Nan chronicling the magical season that they won the World series. Love still, but different I guess. That's my current read and I'm liking it as well.

Be nice to the one you love and maybe you'll get something nice yourself who knows....


Mood of the moment ~ Planning

Tune of the Moment ~ Mr Jones ~ Counting Crows

What's for supper ~ Valentine's treats ( I do have a heart after all)


This should mess you up...

Many of you think I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist. While you may be right this should freak you out a bit. It was sent along from a someone WAY worse than me.

1) New York City has 11 letters
2) Afghanistan has 11 letters
3) Ramsin Yuseb [The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993] has 11 letters
4) George W Bush has 11 letters
This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting:
1) New York is the 11th state
2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11
3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers 9 + 2 = 11
4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers 6 + 5 =11
5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

Sheer coincidence..?!

Read on and make up your own mind:
1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year Again 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11
4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident

Now this is where things get totally eerie:
The most recognised symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holybook:
"For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: For the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace."That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran. Still unconvinced about all of this..?! Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:
Open Microsoft Word and do the following:
1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.
2. Highlight the Q33 NY.
3. Change the font size to 48.
4. Change the actual font to the WINGDINGS I think its more than a sheer coincedence! Really try it, its kind of creepy! I did it, and i was real surpised!

How ya like them apples?

Mood of the moment ~ Housework
Tune of the Moment ~ Symbol in my driveway ~ Jack Johnson
What's for supper ~ BBQ Pork chops, oven fried potatoe wedges, spinach, and salad


Here comes the sun...

So the Sun has returned to the scene. It's been a while so you kinda look at it as if you don't know what it is. It's been freezing lately but today is a scorcher at -8 with limited windchill. We've really turned soft when it comes to Winter. Here I go with a "when I was a kid rant..."
When I was a kid in the Winter we would go outside (unsupervised/ no playdate) to play for Saturday and Sunday all day. You'd leave in the morning with real wool mittens that would get wet and cold, ski pants that would freeze, a hat and away you go. I had a ski-doo suit that seemed to fit me forever. Be home at dark. Usually you'd get lunch at someone's house, it always rotated and as kids we'd know who had the good treats. We'd toboggan on steel sleds or crazy carpets hurtling down hills, over banks, near brooks, near cows at guaranteed risk for injury. We'd have real snowball fights, crack heads the whole deal. Faces would get numb, I don't think frostbite occured in the 70s and 80s.
Don't get me started about snowmobiles and the insanity they brought. Cripes. It's a wonder I'm around and even then I had to be the voice of reason. "NO Kevin, you can't jump over two kids with a Skaboose attached. Take the skaboose off, okay now go ahead" or "I don't really think it's a good idea to kneeboard behind you at 45mph as kneeboards don't have brakes but I will go if Glen lives thru it." It only got worse I guess. Stuff I would shit my pants now if my kids did. We had the time of our lives. Now you want a helmet on to toboggan at a safe spot.
It's wicked that my folks returned to the old neighborhood, it was an amazing place to grow up. Not flashy by any means but it was fantastic, I now find myself explaining to the kids about where I did what etc. I'd love to flashback for a snowy saturday roundabout 1982. There's talk of a neighborhood reunion this summer and I'd love it. So many faces and so many memories. Mostly good, we'll go and I'll likely get grounded for retro-punishment. Truth be known I'll likely deserve it but my crack defense team will rightfully argue that I already served my time on another trumped up charge.
How did I get here? Oh yeah it's sunny and I was looking at the frozen pool where in five short months it'll likely be blue and we'll be swimming. Of course by that time three pool parts will have broken and hundreds of dollars in chemicals and water will be in place.
Don't forget what we talked about yesterday...
Mood of the moment ~ Going for a walk
Tune of the Moment ~ Mr. Brightside ~ The Killers
What's for supper ~ Chicken Parm and Spinach Salad


Sick and tired of people being sick and tired

I got a call from Dad this morning that our old neighbor was diagnosed with Cancer. He is full of it. He hadn't been feeling well, went in for some tests and they opened him up to see that he's full. Nothing can be done for him. He has anywhere from six weeks to maybe summer. Life isn't fair sometimes and this is a pretty Goddamned solid example of it. This gentleman led an incredibly clean lifestyle, did everything right. EVERYTHING! And this is what you get? I am so mad about this, it's another example of what people are suffering thru. Try and find a friend who hasn't had cancer ravage their family. Nobody is immune to this. Young or old it doesn't matter. We have another family friend 20 years old battling cancer. If scientists can create anything we hasn't Cancer been beaten yet? How many people have to die? Why aren't governments doing more? Why is it more important to fight a war in a far off land than take care of the entire human popluation of EARTH? Why? Start asking yourself and your government why this is?


Love Is A Burning Thing And It Makes A Fiery Ring

So, it was SuperBowl Sunday yesterday. Time for senseless excess. Beer, food that's not good for you, loud tv, good friends and cursed Canadian commercials. All of the above were here. Wings, shrimp, cheese sticks, nachos and TNT pepperoni. The ring of fire, Johnny had it right.

SuperBowl has been a hit or miss day for me over the years team wise. I've thrown great SB parties forever. I remember in high school we got a 26" pizza for four of us and snuck off to the woods for one beer at halftime. Bachelor pad parties led up to the years we had stadium seating set up in the living room at the habitat in Truro. That was when I had a bootleg US dish and all the good commercials and if I remember correctly the lingerie bowl at half time. I've been a lifelong Broncos fan so I've been there in the good times and the bad. Seen hats, shirts and other goodies go up in flames literally. When they finally won I just sat and stared at the TV, my mind was melted. Same deal when the Sox won the World Series. Just staring with a dumb look on my face and a tear running down my cheek. I can deal with the funk brother in law Jeff would be in today as his Bears got thumped.

Back to the commercials for a sec. I understand GLOBAL has to make some money on the game. But knowing that on the other side of the Border they are watching the best commercials of the year drives me nuts. Thanks to this wonderful internet thing you can get the commercials within minutes of airtime. If you have some leftovers from last night warm them up, crack a beer and click here. http://www.break.com/superbowl2007/superbowl2007.html

I've got a little something I gotta take care of here.

And it burns, burns, burns. The ring of fire.

Mood of the moment ~ Tired of being cold
Tune of the Moment ~ Purple Rain ~ Prince
What's for supper ~ Leftover Turkey dinner


hwo ndees seplinlg aynyaws?

Click on the picture and stare at it for a second if it doesn't move you're clearly on drugs

Subject: Can you Read This?.... I can

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs?

Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Thought it might mess some of you up. The real test would be read it over the weekend if you've had a few.

Not much new here, still on the hunt. Registering the Princess for school today. WOW! I've told her Mom to take that first day of school off and get a big bottle of wine. That'll fix anything.

SuperBowl Sunday and Daytona looms (9 sleeps till first race of SpeedWeek)....


Mood of the moment ~ Waiting for the phone to ring

Tune of the Moment ~ Little Queen ~ Heart

What's for supper ~ Mexican

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