
It's even faster with your ass hanging off the ground

Back on the road this week. Golf in Rhode Island and then off to CT. For a little state there are lots of spots to disappear. Went to a great place in hartford called Black Eyed Sally's, some ribs, gumbo, blues and a great spice to bring home to boot. I went racing again in Boston. This time it was at www.F1outdoor.com . This place is great it's 8/10 of a mile and the carts do over 60 MPH. Sweet. I had a crew with me and can proudly say I didn't spin out this time.
A long way from the Fundy 500 cart track I co-owned years ago. On Friday we went to "The Fours" which is listed as the top sports bar in the US. Great eats and an amazing collection of stuff to look at right by the Fleet Center. Home for vacation. Well sort of...


What in the hell am I doing here???

Ever wake up at a crazy hour or in our case have a little person stand beside you while you are sleeping to sense someone is looking at you and have the living shit scared out of you? That was this morning, Liam was looking for a change of venue and I wasn't in favor of it. Anyway after a re-tuck-in I set about what I normally do in the middle of the night I roamed around the house. Usually I check email, surf to see if the World has come to a crashing halt since 11 when I last saw the news and crawl back to bed. For some reason today I was full of piss and vinegar. Why not tidy up the kitchen, done, can't make too much noise so why not go to work and get the stuff done you had planned on for later in the weekend. Normal to head to work at 5AM on a Saturday right? I'm sure Dad woke up in a cold sweat, not too very long ago I'd just be getting in from "work" at a dance or a club. My how the times have changed, I guess I like this gig. I'm a little over a year in here (see above) and I've been home since June 30th which is an eternity when you are used to travelling as much as I do. Some folks laugh at me when I'm at the office apparently I remind them of a Zoo animal all caged up and nowhere to go. I return to the road this week and have trips down both coasts in the next little bit. Adventures abound for sure. I think I hear the printer warming up time to go. NOW GET THE HELL UP AND STOP WASTING THE DAY!!!!!!


Can you feel it ???

Well, summer's almost over. You can feel it at night, that nice cool breeze. I love the heat don't get me wrong but when I can sleep without sweating buckets I'm much happier. Last week saw a successful surgery for Jen to be followed by 4-6 weeks of hell. That's my thought of a month of soup and smoothies. Hopefully getting her jaw broken will get rid of her migraines. The short folks were shipped off to the grandparents for the week and I got some work done around the house. The Cuban came up to lead the way and we snuck off to the races. I'm back on the road next week, then vacation, and then the reality of September. Make sure you grab a little summer while you can!


Country Roads Take Me Home

A close friend of the family passed away on Thursday. Isn't it wonderfully strange that sadness brings us together. I was off to Cape Breton Friday night to get down for the funeral on Saturday. This allowed me to do a few things I've been I haven't had the time to do. First, I got to have a few drinks with my tallest cousin Oger. That lead to some late night horseshoes and an out of control bonfire. Fire is a trait that MacCormick men are well known for. I wonder if that's why we had to leave Scotland generations ago? Anyway after melting my sandals in the fire with me still in them (somehow not hurt) it was time for a nap. The morning sun found sitting me on a dock on the Bras'dor Lakes. I arrived in darkness and if it were not for the funeral I would have a hard time leaving this beautiful cottage I was staying at.

Off to downtown Fourchu to meet up with Ma & Pa as well as my Grampie. This time last year he was not doing so well but what a turn around. He owes it all to a kick in the ass from his doctor and his junk food diet. He's gained 50 lbs in a year but it looks healthy on him, borderline jolly. I rubbed his belly and he said he was 7 months and showing. Funny stuff.

Not everyday there are traffic jams in Fourchu. I don't know how many people were in the church but there were loads. I couldn't get in so I stayed out in the sun with some of the others. Weddings, wakes and funerals are the ticket to seeing a ton of people in a hurry. It was nice but as quick as I got there it was time to go.

One thing I love about going "down home" by myself is that I get to drive the road like a mad man and I did :> Twisty turny, up and down, I've been told to slow down many times. Neil Young didn't say boo to me today. I was "Bound for Glory". Three hours later and I was in the hubtown.

Jen's in for surgery on Monday so we are leaving the kids with the grandparents who deserve saint status for helping us. Quiet night.

With no kids we could sleep in today. Oops I forgot the damn cat. Who felt it was time to be let out at 7. Little bastard. Anyway I told Jen to do whatever she wanted today and more importantly eat whatever she wanted. She's going to be wired shut for 4-6 weeks. Lunch was a Big Mac but supper's taking us to Baan Thai, the best Thai joint I've ever enjoyed. We'll follow up tomorrow.


Miracle in TO

Can you imagine all of those people survived that crash in Toronto? I fly enough to know how lucky those folks are. Unreal! I hope and pray that I never have to experience anything like that in my travels. Glad to be not travelling today.


Another Family Reunion

Another weekend another family reunion. This time we were off to PEI with the Sharkey's. An action packed weekend for sure. There was golf, horse shoes, softball and other social activities including a little dress up time. Here I am with me other brothers going to the dance, Angus (Jimmy), Remus (Me), and Pius (Ray) had a great time. I was personally told by several folks that they would pray for me the next morning. Anyway nice weekend and another huge family reunion.

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