
ShitStorm 06 : The year in review

Well with a title like that things can't be good eh? It's not as bad as it looks other than Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo as seen above. I'm counting the seconds down to 2007. This year has had way more downs than ups. Let's break it out Month after Month shall we?

Happy New Year and business as usual right? I went to New England and the Mid Atlantic a few times. Conflict with a consultant at work. Frustrated. No offense to anyone but I strongly believe those who can't do it, consult it! Grrr

Smeltfest was held in Ben Eoin this year. Great time but no fishing, oh well. Story of the month was that I got smoked. After roaming the US for close to two years I was let go. Kick in the balls huh? Word to the wise, don't mess with management consultants. Great opportunity and a great experience for the most part. Case closed. Guitar lessons have started. Daytona kick off at the Cubans.

I'm now grocery shopping at least three times a week. That and we finally started getting flyers. Not good, freezers full and I'm working at being a stay at home Dad. Actually it's nice getting to hang out with the kids. You don't realize how much you miss until you stop for a sec. Caught Motley Crue on an 80s night gone wild. Went to Moncton for a March Break getaway for Liam. Sopranos new season back on TV!
"I tell you this my friend...."

Still not working yet....Why not take a vacation? We went to Cancun for a week cheap. How cheap $2500 tax in for 4. Nice to get away. I love Mexico. Interesting to vacation with George Bush and PM Harper. We lost Grampie on the 28th.

Still not working....Dad, the Cuban, Grover and I went to see Willie Nelson. Much different show than in Florida last year with Bob Dylan. Grampie and Uncle Walter were laid to rest in Cape Breton on Victoria Day Weekend. Wouldn't you know it I got a trout on my first cast. Thanks Grampie I still miss you! Two more tough eulogies and I got the balls to ask for Uncle Walter's House on the family compound. Looking forward to more time down the road.

Still not working....When is the sun going to arrive? Not so good trip to see the doc, I'm off to see an endocrinologist. I start staining the deck, 20 gallons later still not done. Clam starts playing for the Red Sox. Hey, I got a job offer! Don't really like the job but I need a gig.

Start work for a small company in Amherst with a mindset to match. Hired to cover the Maritimes, on the road again. No airplanes this time. Deckstravanza was held quite different than in the past. I guess we are growing up. Sigh.

The Fourchu reunion was quite an event. Nothing like a sleepless party all night type of weekend to make you feel alive or kill you. Cripes. Writing Christmas carols in August or a MacCormick singing at Karaoke never makes for a good idea. Nor is me being the voice of reason late (VERY LATE) at night. Riverside reopens historically with a roadtrip with me the Clam and the Cuban overnighting it in Ernville. Rum, crib and chips who could ask for anything more.

Spent the long weekend at Cariboudoudlet. Caught John Prine with some great friends. Ian MacLean golf tournament rocks as usual. The Fredericton Jazz & Blues Festival nearly deafened me and the Cuban. Really someone should sit us down and say it's time to smarten the hell up.

Never one to shy away from controversy I head off to Riverside again with Dad, Chuck and Craig Q. A one nighter became two. Not the end of the World unless you were leaving for Martinsville on Thursday. Note to others, if building a doghouse make it quite comfortable for all to enjoy. Martinsville was an amazing trip click on October 2006 to check back on the story. Pictures really are worth at least 1,000 words.

Things seemed to be rolling along. Nice anniversary trip. My 35th birthday hit and a southern feast was amazing. A week later I have "that talk" again. No more small town company with a mindset to match. Note to others, never take a job that you will not enjoy it shows thru! A health warning to boot!

More quality time with the little people coming up! Two kicks in one year. Seriously I'm a nice guy what in the hell have I done to deserve this? Makes you wonder....First snow storm cripples Metro. Second anniversary of this blog thing. Some heroes are lost John Allan and James Brown. Great Christmas other than the flu and that unemployment thing. A wedding to wrap it up and I will be freakin' glad to say Happy New Year.

What have we learned?
A job is something you go to and do your best while you are there
The most important people are home
Take a walk it's good for you in lots of ways
Eat well
Laugh often
Be an optimist
Try different things
Don't put off for tomorrow what can be done today

What have I learned?
All of the above. Plus I learned to play guitar and rediscovered reading. I've read more in the past year than the last 10.

What's next?
Gameful employment, health, happiness, World peace and the usual crap!

To all of you have a Happy New Year and for me please try something new and let me know what it was and if you actually read this let me know what you think robbiemac@gmail.com


Merry Christmas

And so the big fella came after all. Christmas morning was fantastic how can it not be to see that look in a kid's eyes? Santa & co. brought all kinds of great stuff this year. For the first time both sets of grandparents were here to share in the excitement. Liam stepped up while I was sick as a dog and gave the gifts out. Very nice indeed. I got some personal gifts this year from Jen like a new shaving kit, a new wallet, everyday stuff that I needed. Honestly after the gifts were opened I went back to bed I was feeling rotten so that part wasn't great.
We went to Mom & Dad's on Boxing Day. Nice to see everyone for games night. For a record setting fifth year the boys beat the girls. This year's event was MacCormick charades. Which basically means Mom and I each contributed a sheet of items. I kept mine simple, donairs, Osama Bin Laden and Salt and Vinegar chips you get the idea. Mom was a little trickier. You probably have competed for giant green peas, "to catch a mockingbird" or the best of Cape Breton Fourchu right? It was a spirited competition. I can't give it all away here you'd never wait for the DVD to come out....
The 27th took us to the Sharkeys for a Brown due. Nice to see that bunch as well. Time to feast again! I grilled memphis ribs that went over pretty well. The clam and I went to the Mooseheads game with Uncle Dave and Rod. I was still sick but felt I should do the right thing. I'm glad I did. I'll never forget the look in someone's eyes when a fight broke out in front of us. Instant hockey fan.
Very glad to get home this flu sucks! It kinda ruined the holidays to an extent for me but the rest is good for you or that's what I've heard anyway.
Mood of the moment ~ Almost feeling better or is it the rum?
Tune of the Moment ~ Don't want to miss a thing - Aerosmith
What was for supper ~ Striploin, roasted potatoes, and veggies


Happy Birthday Clam

The boy turns 8 today. Hard to believe that eight years ago yesterday I was in New Brunswick at work while Jen was shovelling snow (anything to get that baby out) and felt uncomfortable. Next thing you know I get the call "Nothing to worry about....".
I booted it for home and when I came over the marsh I passed a truck with STORK1 license plates and took that as a good sign. It was my fastest trip ever home from Moncton. I got to the hospital in work clothes. Cathy and Tel were there. They told me to go home and get changed (our house was just around the corner). I got another call "they just broke Jen's water". Cripes, back to the hospital. Things were moving quickly now and just after midnight he arrived. After losing our first baby I was scared as hell. Is he okay? Ten fingers, ten toes? He was perfect. The best Christmas present ever!
I drove home from the hospital like an old man, it took two tries to get over speedbumps etc. He spent his first day home Christmas Eve screaming his head off for 24 hrs straight. I learned to tie Christmas trees that year as ours fell over and very nearly hit him. After that life became about firsts...
He's been for the most part (I'm being honest so piss off) a joy. Smart and sensitive like his Mom, quickwitted and social like me, as well as the smallest little old man I know. Being involved in his activities I see that he's a good kid. We are blessed to have two great goobers.
The picture above is from Cape Breton a few years ago in the midst of a marshmallow roast and it's one of my favorites. He just made a crack about "this is a sticky situation". You never know what'll come out of him next.
Life continues to be about first experiences. This year I took him to the first race at Riverside. I told him it was important and convinced Jen it was historic. While he ate his weight in snacks his eyes were as big as saucers. His first overnight "roadtrip" with the boys. Fortunately, he didn't stay up playing crib and drinking rum till 4AM. Seeing his school project (Black Bear) hanging on the wall at the camp in Ernville freaked him out a bit. He still talks about having salt & vinegar chips for breakfast (he ate ALL of the food at the track) I can hardly wait until he can go on other adventures like NASCAR trips and Fishing Trips etc. Till then we'll take a day at a time.
Mood of the moment ~ Avoiding housework
Tune of the Moment ~ Tiny Dancer- Elton John
What's for supper ~ Birthday feast



Jack wakes up at home with a huge hangover after the night of his office Christmas party. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose! Jack sits down and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. Jack looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror, and notices a note on the table, "Breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping-- Love you, Jill" He stumbles to the kitchen, and sure enough, there is hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Jack asks, "Son. what happened last night?" Jack's son answers, "Well, you came home after 3 a.m., drunk and out of your mind. You broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door!" Jack says, "So, why is everything in such perfect order, so clean? Why a red rose, and breakfast on the table waiting for me?" >>His son replies, "Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "'Leave me alone, lady, I'm married!"
Broken furniture - $185.26
Hot breakfast - $4.20
Red rose - $3.00
Two aspirins - $0.38
Saying the right thing, at the right time . . .Priceless

Mood of the moment ~ Time for bed
Tune of the Moment ~ Fairytale of New York - The Pogues
What's for supper ~ Too soon to tell...

Last minute gift ideas...


It's beginning to look like Ho Ho at Walmart

Hi there, it's a week from Christmas eve. All your shopping done yet? We're pretty much there. Even had a surprise that one item already gotten was on today for $30 less. With that I braved the crowds and climbed the shelves to get the last item. The joys of it all. I get a kick out of going to Wally World. I've been to tons of them all over North America. I get this habit from my buddy the Cuban. Today's magic moment were the two old dolls dancing the Christmas Polka (I'm serious) in ladies wear. I believe they snuck in their own boom box. GOD love them. Likely not up to Walmart code but to hell with them. I really do love Christmas, I turn into a little kid so the thought of a "scaled back" year leaves me a little glum but as they say shit happens. The little people are well covered and that's the main thing.

Last night we had the boy's birthday party which consisted of a sleepover with three of his buddies. Didn't go too badly, I think ate too much junk, they slept a bit, a big brekkie and out the door!

A quick to the hub should highlight today a birthday gift dropoff, a little ho ho mixer, and back.

Seven more sleeps till ho ho and only 55 till the Bud Shootout....


Mood of the moment ~ A bit tired
Tune of the Moment ~ Gloria - John Lee Hooker & Van Morrison (thank you Napster)
What's for supper ~ Chicken Pasta Casserole


Last real tree?

Went yesterday to get the Christmas tree. Oy! I don't know about your house but here it's a battle. Not so much the picking of the tree as the set up. Hard to balance it, straighten it, etc. The words artificial tree were muttered yesterday and I may well give in (on boxing day when they are 50% off) . Oh where oh where has my backbone gone? Pick your battles I guess.


Mood of the moment ~ Interview day
Tune of the Moment ~ Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots
What's for supper ~ Spaghetti, salad and stuff


In the presence of greatness

Last night I was in the presence of greatness. Deep huh? My buddy Ed took me to the songwriters circle last night here in the city. It was hosted by Bruce Guthro with Raylene Rankin, Gordie Sampson and JP Cormier.

I had been to another Guthro circle before at the CBC with Marc Jordan and Tom Cochrane. It was a TV taping for his series and I was right behind Tom chewing gum and singing along. They even had to do a light meter check on the old chrome dome.

Anyway last night was wicked. They all shat on each other and had as much fun as the audience. JP is a guitar GOD. On a few of his solos I looked over at Ed as if to say "How is he..., what chord..., WTF!" I swear he could play a mop. The highlight of the night for me was when he started talking about John Allan Cameron and what he meant to him. He then went on to debut a new song "The minstrel" that he said came to him and it was sure he got it from John Allan.

He spoke at length about he John Allan made East Coast music real for people from away. He was a trailblazer and for me a very nice man. I met him first in Truro at a pub gig and introduced myself to him and told him about how Dad got me into Celtic music. He signed a show poster for Dad. Nice chat that he certainly could have forgotten. Well I ran into him at the ECMA's the year he got his lifetime achievement award in Sydney and he remembered me and that we met in Truro. Very nice.

Sorry about the sidetrack, it was a terrific show. Gordie Sampson is well on his way to being one of Canada's best songwiters. He was just nominated yesterday for two Grammies. they closed the show with "The 12 days of Christmas" with crowd participation to boot. I leaned over to Ed and told him about my version that I have from the summer. "Cool, cruel but cool", he said let's lay it down. His version of manland has a little studio in the basement. So look for a holiday MP3 to come rolling along. PARENTAL/TASTEFUL DISCRETION ADVISED!

Also ran into Dave Kerr who lived across from us in the hub. I would serenade him when he was coming in the odd late night with a donair chant. "Dabernie" as I knew him as first is a great player too and rocked Chateau Mac on more than a few occasions. Most notably my 30th Birthday party that will be very hard to top!


Mood of the moment ~ Power tool time
Tune of the Moment ~ Hillbilly Highway- Steve Earle
What's for supper ~ Baked salmon, mashed potatoes and veggies


That explains it

There is a factory in Northern Minnesota which makes the Tickle Me Elmo
toy. The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms.

Well, Lena a blonde is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports
for her first day promptly at 8:00 AM.

The next day at 8:45 AM there is a knock at the Personnel Manager's door.
The Foreman throws open the door and begins to rant about the new employee.

He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole line is backing
up, putting the entire production line behind schedule. The Personnel
Manager decides he should see this for himself, so the 2 men march down to
the factory floor.

When they get there the line is so backed up that there are Tickle Me
Elmo's all over the factory floor and they're really beginning to pile up.
At the end of the line stands Lena surrounded by mountains of Tickle Me
Elmo's. She has a roll of plush red fabric and a huge bag of small marbles.

The 2 men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece of fabric, wraps
it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package
between Elmo's legs. The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter.

After several minutes of hysterics he pulls himself together and
approaches Lena.

"I'm sorry," he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, "but I
think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday . . .your job
is to give Elmo two test tickles."


V.I.P Status Costs 25 Cents

Tonight was Liam's Holiday concert, don't call it a Christmas concert whatever you do. He goes to a big school (700+). So the concert actually takes place over two nights. To raise money amongst other things they sell tickets for front row seats. Well I got a call today and Liam's name was drawn. Like most events you can't beat getting up front. Each class had it's share of characters I assure you that. Lots of waves a few tears it was all good. Liam debuted his new haircut tonight he looks much older than he did with the shag cut. Anyway nice night, don't think I'm ready to see my baby girl up there next year though....


Mood of the moment ~ Sappy Pappy
Tune of the Moment ~ Sister Golden Hair- America
What was for supper ~ Homemade mexican kickass pizza


Welcome Frickin' Winter

So when you see a pic like this you can't help but go aaaah sweet. But if you were still stuck in traffic you were more likely to say "Oh #*&@". Gridlock in Halifax. I know we usually make fun of the folks in T.O but we (those that don't live in Halifax) make fun of Haligonians next. Get the tires, shovels, mitts and hats Winter is here kiddies, as a friend of mine would say "Suck it up".

By the way happy anniversary blog I can't believe I've been doing this for two years but I have. Kinda neat to do, easy to post. Why in the hell aren't you doing it? I'm ramping it up in the New Year trying to figure out how to add video here. Look out if I can figure that out.


Mood of the moment ~ Perky Turkey
Tune of the Moment ~ The Ocean- Led Zeppelin
What's for supper ~ Chicken Parm, taters, peas and corn


Big Fire in the Hubtown

The old Baptist Church burnt down last night in the Hub town. I'm not Baptist but I've got ties to the building. It was owned by a friend of mine John Henry. John bought the building after the Baptists moved on out due to future renovation costs. It was a beautiful building and John wanted to turn it into a cultural centre. Didn't happen as the town still has heads up their respective asses. Anyway I did a gig there one night and after the gig wound up with John and if memory serves his buddy Big John drinking in the bell tower. Likely one of the more unique spots I've had a cold one that's for sure. The night wrapped with us climbing the roof to look at the stars I think...

Christmas Daddies Rocks

As a kid, I watched Christmas Daddies it seemed to kick off HO HO at the MacCormick household. Still does today. Watched it today, it always makes me a bit weepy. It's awful that kids can go without at anytime but certainly at Christmas. When I was in Kinsmen it humbled me to make "deliveries" on Christmas Eve to families without.

Count your blessings and help out!


Mood of the moment ~ Gotta get a gig
Tune of the Moment ~ Without You - Motley Crue
What's for supper ~ Salmon, rice and veggies


So the latest chapter of my work career wrapped today. It was felt that it wasn't working out for my employer. I wasn't feeling the love. I didn't see me retiring there!!!! Never take a gig that you don't want YOU WILL REGRET IT! Anyway not bitter just moving on lke the man sang in the song....


Mood of the moment ~ Hunting
Tune of the Moment ~ Long time running - The Hip
What's for supper ~ Tuna Casserole

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

Hey there, turned 35 this weekend. Cripes! Anyway great time was had by all. My party had a Southern NASCAR theme (original huh?). Loads of eats and drinks. I did up traditional pulled pork on the grill for 8 hours after dry marinating it for 24 hours, brunswick stew that was wicked, a variety of slaws and Mom brought Bible Hill beans. Won't be right for days.....Anyway, that wraps the racing season up and frees some time up for me.

Time to focus on getting ME better. My meeting at the Endocrinologist was less than good. I've got to eat better, drink little or no booze, exercise and take lots of pills. It would have been easier to drop dead 50 years ago. The benefits of science eh? Seriously time to drop some chins and some cholesterol too! Sunday will remain eat what you want day.

Mood of the moment ~ Ever Forward
Tune of the Moment ~ Fantasy ~ Mariah Cary & ODB
What's for Supper ~ Chicken and veggies

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