Our neighbor Eddie Driscoll
Did you grow up in Nova Scotia? Do you remember Eddie Driscoll? Eddie hosted amongst other things the great money movie and was the voice of many other things on WLBZ in Bangor. Eddie brought me the movies and more importantly the Red Sox. Catching Sunday afternoon games from Fenway helped shape who I am today. Who hasn't used his catch phrase "We'll put it on for ya"?
Thanks to WLBZ I was introduced to America. I remember visiting Bangor as a kid rolling into town looking for skyscrapers and such. In my mind it was LA, NYC and Bangor. Not quite. I've got a Maine dialect that I can turn on in a blink and it's all Eddie! Ever heard me spit out the names of communities in Maine. Brewer, Machias, Ellsworth, Millinocket and Bucksport that are just a few.
For years I had a bet with friends that I'd give them $1 for the first attractive girl they introduced me to from Maine. I lost the bet a few years back. I now like Portland!
Fairwell Eddie RIP. I guess we'll mourn Dick Stacey next?
Mood of the moment ~ I guess I'm busy
Tune of the Moment ~ Rainy day women- Bob Dylan
What's for supper ~ Fancy Schmancy work dinner